I just find it all FASCINATING! I could go on and on. I met with Marina Lembo, who is an autonomous midwife and the country contact for the International Alliance of Midwives. I talked to her for 3 hours! She was the person I was looking forward to meeting the most this whole summer and she was so kind and helpful. She just got back from presenting at a conference in South Africa about midwifery and she was kind enough to give me a copy of her presentation. She’s put me in contact with past patients and other midwifes who work in the public and private sector, so she’s been an invaluable resource.
Another research contact here in B.A. named Hernan Chavez has also been so helpful and kind. He’s a medical student and his uncle is good friends with a Morehead alum, which is how we got his information. He talked to Tom and I about the healthcare system, gave us a tour of the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine (he is in the Anatomy department, so our tour included seeing cadavers on the dissecting table), and set us up with a School of Medicine lecture we could attend the next day. Argentinean hospitality is incredible! After talking to us about stuff related to our research, he asked if we wanted to get lunch and then took us touring some around the city. And then at the end of that, he invited us biking with him Sunday afternoon because he had 3 bikes. SOOOO NICE!! So Sunday afternoon, Tom and I did a bike tour of the whole city. 4 hours of biking = sore legs the next day, but it was a blast!
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